Friday, August 05, 2005


On July 30th Jeff, Ronald and I went to Bundibugyo to visit with a Christian leader their. It was a long and bumpy ride. The 2 1/2 hour drive gave us plenty of time to talk about the ministry opportunities here. We also got to see many Congolese refugees because we were so close to the border. The kids were really cute but very shy. Here is a picture of some who didn't want to stick around long enough for a picture.


Bundibugyo is about 4 kilometers from the Congolese border. We were not allowed to go into the Congo because of the war, but we did get a good look across the border from the mountain road.

Looking into Congo

The drive was beautiful and green. We drove through a think forest on the way. We also passed a group of Pigmis on the return trip. The Pigmis who had some huts near the side of the road, but it was to dark to get any good pictures. We also got to talk to one of the Pigmi men who came up to our vehicle when we were stopped to assist some lost hikers. So, I've officially met my first Pigmi and I'm sure it won't be the last.

Also, its Aimee and my anniversary today. Five years!!! Its hard to believe that it has been five years. Aimee and I are still very happily married and loving each other. It seems like we learn something new about each other every day. Lord willing, we will have many more happy years ahead of us.


Please leave comments and let us know how ya'll are doing. We love to hear from friends and family.

More to come later...


At 8:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary to you two. We love you and are looking forward to your return. Keep up the good work, and keep the faith. Yes, I can believe it has been five years, because we have been married for 30 years.

Love, Dad

At 9:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Andrew and Aimme Jo I had a dream about you this morning I must of been thinking about what day this is YOUR ANNIVERSARY YEAH I can't believe it that it is already here. But to me Aimee Jo has been apart of our family much longer than 5 years. Sara and Kevin just celebrated there 3rd year 2 days ago. I am very anxious to see you at the airport. Dad has a performance in Vancouver at the new C of C church building. They are having a picnic to celebrate there new building. So Kori and I are going to be picking you up. We will stay with Ruckers before we come and pick you up. I know you will be anxious to get home and get some rest. Elias is crawling all over the place and try to pull him self up. He is also trying to talk like his mom did at that young age. He says YEH ! Yeh ! and he loves to be sung to. You will have to teach them your new songs you have learned. Love Mom

At 2:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy 5th Anniversary! I love that you guys are setting the example to Marshall & Rachel who just celebrated their 1st anniversary!
Andrew, we love sharing grandparenting of Elias with your parents! They are such dear people!
(Just wanted you to know that.) And Elias has some awesome aunts & uncles - he is so blessed (and so cute!). May God continue to put His hedge of protection around you two as you finish up & come home.
Larene & Bill

At 10:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey kids!! Happy Anniversary!! It seems like these five past years have flown by in the blink of an eye! I can't believe you two are coming back in one week! I will pray that you are safe. Be careful in London. They are concerned about people traveling over there..I think Elana told me there was another bombing or something. Check it out before you leave PLEASE!! Aimee, it was great to hear your voice on the phone. Thanks for calling me!! I had a good birthday!! Take care and I will see you two in one week!! I love you both lots. You are in my prayers!! Amanda Rae

At 10:44 AM, Blogger Kristi said...

We are so excited to have you home! I'm sure it is bittersweet to be leaving there - it will be good to be in your own home again; I imagine it is hard, as well, to end such a great life-changing adventure. We love you and continue to pray for you each day.

At 10:53 AM, Blogger Ike Graul said...

Happy Anniversary! What a great place to celebrate your marriage. I bet you will not forget #5. We are anxious to see you and get to hug on you, and hear all of your stories.

We feel confident that God has been at work in you, and pray that you will be safe in your remaining time.

Love you much.

Ike & fam

At 1:40 PM, Blogger Aimee Jo said...

Hey everyone--it makes me so happy to know that you are keeping up with what's going on here. :)
We are getting excited to come see all of you...after our stay in London of course! WAHOO!
It is a bittersweet feeling to know that we are leaving soon. We have grown to love the Cash family so much and others--Ronald, (who keeps us laughing) Derrick, David, Sweter, Besisa, and the other Congolese refugees who worship with us at church. We are off to Mbarara tomorrow for the quarterly meeting with the other C of C missionaries in Uganda.
We will see you soon, very soon!Love you all.
Aimee Jo :)

At 4:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss you soooo much!! Tell Aimee Jo I miss her too!! I can't wait to see you guys!! Hey, you are gettin' to be a pretty stinkin' good photographer man! :D Elias is getting so huge! You won't believe it. Well, see you guys in 11 days or so!! Happy Anniversary tomorrow!! Yay! I LOVE YOU BOTH! MUAH.
Love, Rach "sis" (this is from your other blog, I didn't know if you got it.) :P

At 4:32 PM, Blogger tabitha jane said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 6:11 PM, Blogger emilykaypeters said...

It is so wonderful to read about your wondeful ministering oppertunity that God has sent to you. It has given me great ideas and thoughts on Ryan and I's orphanage and mission work. I can't wait to meet you guys and hear about your wonderful experience over there. Andrew, your momma is wonderful and SO sweet. Ryan and I will be out in Cali Aug. 27- Sept. 10th. We're planning a trip to portland, so I hope to meet you guys soon.

At 3:35 PM, Blogger KMiV said...

Wow what a blog!
Good job Allen--great arkwork.

At 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Andrew and Aimee Jo. I had Shauna Wagner forward me the Cash's blog which led me here. I was so excited to see pics of your trip etc. You two honestly look so 'at home' over there. I'm sure that you will go back at some point! =) Happy Anniversary (a little late). Time flies...Brandon and I will be celebrating our 6th in can that be? I'm only 20...ha ha! Anyhow...glad to hear and see that you are both well!

With Love and HOPE
Angela Fox and Family

At 2:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey andrew and aimy how are you here in fortportal church of christ love you and miss you so very much we long to see you again i send my greetings to all your friends and farmily i just want to let you know that you are often in our prayers .God be with you..


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