We got the email today! Our tickets are in the mail. I was hoping that they would be emailed to us since they are e-tickets, but they are on their way. Hopefully they will get here by the end of the week, but probably more like the beginning of next week. I also realized that I was slightly mistaken about the baggage allowance. For some reason I thought that it was very small suitcases that they allow, but as it turns out it was an unusually large suitcase I was hoping to take along. We have been granted an extra baggage allowance, so we are going to be able to bring an extra checked item making our grand total 6 checked bags and 2 carryons. I want to bring a suitcase full of boxed food items to share with the Cash's and then we will have an empty suitcase for suveniers (or to spread all of our other stuff around because you can never repack the same way for the journey home)! At this point in our journey we are in a holding pattern really just waiting for the time that we can pack our bags and go. It is very difficult to put the trip out of mind and go on with day to day activities, but it must be done!
We have been feeling especially blessed and supported by family and friends the last few weeks and thank God for every person who has touched our lives in some special way. Thank you all, we love you!
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