"Daddy, did you eat the brain?"
"Can I see it?"
(Spontaneously this child reached down, picked the eyeball off a fish head from Jeff's lunch and popped it into his mouth and said yum! After a few minutes he turned the head over to consume the other one!)
Jeff the proceeded to open up the scull and take out the brain and gave it to Isaac to eat. I looked away, but was assured it just looked like white fish meat.
"I want to eat the lips, I want to eat the lips"
"It is just bone behind there"
All of this coming from a child who had an untouched burger on the plate in front of him! Oh, what a time we are having here in Uganda, where we saw a missionary kid eat the eyeballs and brain of his dad's lunch (didn't think I would ever say that)! This was quite a shock for a person who thought the look of an unconsumed fish carcass on a plate was gross!
HAHAHAHA! That is awsome.
You go boy!
That's my family - we're so proud! :-)
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