The Bunyoro Kingdom
Last Wednesday, Jeff took me out to another village to meet with the people there. Kigadi is a village in the Bunyoro kingdom. We recieved a warm welcome and we had a good time worshiping with the people there. Ronald, Jeff and I were able to take some time to share with the people there. There were 9 students from a local highschool who came to the event. They had decided to come hear us preach instead of going to school that day. They were very grateful for our visit.
Kizito Ronald (a great Christian brother working with the Church in Fort Portal and the surrounding villages)
About one month ago, Jeff traveled to Hoima (the tribal center of the Bunyoro Kingdom), to meet with some Kingdom officials in order to work out a land dispute that was occuring. Jeff met with the prince and the king's main assistant to discuss the issues. During their conversations, the Kingdom officials told Jeff that they were very interested in the the New Testament Churches of Christ coming to Bunyoro to establish the Church there. They were very excited about the idea and they even stated that there may be land available for church buildings to be built and possibly even an airstrip that could be used to reach more people of the area.
This is another great opportunity for this area of Uganda to be reached. The kingdom officials said that the Bunyoro Kingdom is in a "spiritual vacuum", and that they would like our help. This is something that could use some prayers. Please be praying for the people of the Bunyoro Kingdom, that avenues will be opened for the gospel to reach those who live there. Also pray that the leaders of the Kingdom will realize their need for Christ as well.