Today has been a very productive day. We went this morning to receive our most-important shots for the trip. Then once that was finally over we headed out to the post office to turn in our passport applications.
We were a little nervous about the shots and how many we would all have to get. They were not even able to tell us how much the shots were going to be before out appointments! We arrived at the travel clinic and after a lengthy consultation (where the guy tried to scare the pants off of us about rabees) we found out that little Jacob would only have to receive 2 shots because of his tender age of 17 months, Billy would get 5 shots and I would come in the winner with a whopping 6 shots. Jacob went first so he wouldn't have to watch us get multiple shots before his turn, and he did great. He cried for about 5 minutes and then watched in horror as we both got our shots. Just so you know, it does hurt worse to get a lot of shots, the first one didn't hurt at all, but as she kept going in the same arm, in generally the same spot for three turns it began to get painful! I am glad Billy happened to turn Jacob away because I made a face on the third and sixth injections.
Turning in the passport applications turned out to be a little bit of an ordeal as well because we had waited to long to do it. It is going to take 8 weeks for them to arrive (even though I read online that 6 weeks is enough time). We are cutting it dangerously close to our trip dates. It was either take our chances or pay $90 per passport to expedite the process. We obviously decided to take our chances, the clerk made it sound like the passports would not be late (she even projected the date of their arival at Sept 28th).
As you might imagine, getting that many shots at once can be very costly! The final bill at the clinic ended up being $1200! Since this cost was so high we are now waiting for $3000 more to come in before we are able to purchase our airline tickets. This may be a blessing in disguise because of the whole passport situation. We might end up pushing our leave date back a week. I'll let you know!
Thank you for your continuing prayers!